Invest In Yourself to Live the Life You Want

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In another of my occasional interviews with clients, I’d like to introduce you to Brittany Hall. I began working with Brittany about a year and a half ago. She came to me the way most of my clients come to me—upon recommendation from a friend. One of my historian colleagues from Texas also happens to be Brittany’s close friend, and she gave Brittany my name.

From the beginning of our work together, I was impressed with Brittany’s commitment to living life based on her own callings and values. As our work unfolded—and the Covid-19 pandemic hit—I grew ever more admiring of her persistence and her adaptability. I won’t tell you that she hasn’t had tough days and weeks in the past hard year, but she has approached it all with a spirit of experimentation. She’s tried a number of things to adapt her business to the new environment, and when something wasn’t working, she moved on. But I’ll let her describe her journey in her own words.

Heyday Coaching: Could you start by introducing yourself to my readers? Tell us a little about who you are--at work and outside of work?

My name is Brittany Hall. I own/operate a small fitness business in Lufkin, TX, where I am a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Health Coach, Cancer Exercise Specialist, and a POP Pilates instructor, amongst other things. I love to help people find their healthier selves. Outside of work, I am 34-years-old, have been married for 14 years, and have lots and lots of fur/feather/scaly babies. Obviously, I am an animal lover. I love to learn, so, unsurprisingly, my favorite thing to do in the whole wide world is to read. 

HC: You first came to me for coaching in the summer of 2019. What prompted you to seek out coaching? What were you looking for in a coach? 

I had read (and actively participated in) Natalie MacNeil’s The Conquer Kit and Jen Sincero’s You Are a Badass at Making Money. Natalie suggested I was a “Builder,” a person who could create great things, but struggled with building the framework to begin, and Jen spoke of life coaches as being investments in ourselves. So I  decided to invest in myself. I’m highly motivated to work on my own, but I needed accountability and perspective from someone outside my current support network. I most definitely found that in Melissa!

HC: Could you talk a little about the coaching process? How did we work together? What was most helpful for you?

First off, the call focus forms [that I complete before each session]—what a fantastic idea! They really help me zero in on what needs to be accomplished when we talk. Melissa listens well and offers suggestions and guidance in our conversation. We are both well aware that I often know exactly what needs doing, but my Type A tendencies can get in the way. I definitely struggle with being “enough.” It’s incredible the progress you can make towards your goals if you open yourself up to someone else’s non-judgmental perspective. 

HC: You went full-time in your business just before the pandemic hit. Can you tell us what it has been like launching a business in a pandemic? How has it gone? What have you learned from the process?

Obviously, I did not know there would be a pandemic — haha. One of my first goals with Melissa was to set a date to leave my full-time job. I chose Christmas 2019. I had been training since 2013 and had become an LLC in 2017, but only part-time. I worked a full-time job in what can best be described as a toxic environment. I was ready to go!

2020 was an eye-opener in so many ways. Financially, it was not ideal, though over time it improved. For learning, though, wow! I learned so much about training virtually and social media, things I was not adept at or had little interest in. On really slow days, I had space to learn, think, and create. 

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HC:  What’s been the most rewarding thing about launching this business? The most challenging?

I think the most rewarding thing is how close I am to living the life I truly want. I know that sounds corny! I am an introvert and an empath, so working alone and from home has done wonders for my daily stress levels. I love having control of my schedule and decisions. I am making a difference in others’ lives in a way that positively impacts my own. I am able to take better care of myself. The most challenging thing would be financially. In leaving my previous job, I kissed goodbye $30k in 2020. Couple that with a pandemic and that spells tough times. As terrible as that might seem, I don’t regret my decision. Instead, I adapted. 

HC:  You have been able to grow your business in spite of the pandemic because you were creative and adaptable. Can you talk about some of the ways you managed to serve clients even during lockdown? Any new initiatives? 

I got virtual savvy really quick. I do not enjoy technology, so that was a push I needed. I believe that going virtual was coming regardless, but now I’m certain it's here to stay. Also, as a trainer and health coach, I like to joke that I’m like a “healthy bartender,” as my clients often share intimate details about their life and health with the hopes that I’ll listen in a non-judgmental way. 2020 was saturated in emotion! Because of this, I leaned into my empathic side and really focused on the clients I had vs. getting new ones. I do my best to make them feel safe, comfortable, heard, and connected in a world that is increasingly isolated. For myself and others, I made time for continuing education as well. I have almost completed my 200-hour yoga teacher training. 

HC: What advice would you give someone who is thinking about working with a coach in order to move forward on a big project? 

DO IT. You won’t regret it. If I hadn’t reached out, I truly believe I would still be stuck in a rut. I am a natural caretaker and a money saver, so I tend to put others before me. I am often the last person I think about, but this time I chose to invest in myself and it has been time and money well spent. I cannot emphasize enough how much I have benefitted.

HC:  How can my readers learn more about you?

I can be found on Facebook at and my website is I offer personal training, health coaching, and POP Pilates classes in person and virtually.

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